Bengali SMS app is a collection of Bangla sms text messages and GIF Images in Bengali font (22000+). We provide a simple & elegant way to save your favourite text messages/Images and share them with rest of the world through SMS, Email, Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp, Hike and more.
Users can now create your own wishes with your images/our images with downloadable fonts and shades.
It comes with an inbuilt Bangla typing feature so the user can type SMS in Bengali and upload to us under your name.
You can receive new SMS/GIF images automatically on daily basis. No need to update the app.
* 40+ Categories (Good Morning, Good Evening, Good Night, Friendship, Bengali, Philosophy, Love, Poem, Confidence, Sad, Social, Family, Jokes, Common, Birthday Wishes, Diwali Wishes, Religion, Vaidyuj, Christmas, Holi, Raksha Bandhan, New year, Cinema comedy images and more)
* 22000+ messages/ GIF Images (growing up daily)
* Inbuilt Bangla typing keyboard.
* 100% free application.
* Automatically update the new SMS/images daily
* Add messages/images to favourites list.
* Best user friendly UI
* Single click Forward, Share, Like, Favorite
* Latest, Popular and Favorite SMS/images quick access menus
Aplikasi SMS Bengali adalah kumpulan pesan teks SMS Bangla dan Gambar GIF dalam font Bengali (22000+). Kami menyediakan cara sederhana & elegan untuk menyimpan pesan teks / Gambar favorit Anda dan membagikannya dengan seluruh dunia melalui SMS, Email, Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp, Hike, dan lainnya.
Pengguna sekarang dapat membuat keinginan Anda sendiri dengan gambar / gambar kami dengan font dan nuansa yang dapat diunduh.
Muncul dengan fitur mengetik Bangla built-in sehingga pengguna dapat mengetik SMS dalam bahasa Bengali dan mengunggah ke kami dengan nama Anda.
Anda dapat menerima gambar SMS / GIF baru secara otomatis setiap hari. Tidak perlu memperbarui aplikasi.
* 40+ Kategori (Selamat Pagi, Selamat Malam, Selamat Malam, Persahabatan, Bengali, Filsafat, Cinta, Puisi, Percaya Diri, Sedih, Sosial, Keluarga, Lelucon, Umum, Keinginan Ulang Tahun, Keinginan Diwali, Agama, Vaidyuj, Natal, Holi, Raksha Bandhan, Tahun Baru, gambar komedi Cinema, dan banyak lagi)
* 22000+ pesan / GIF Images (tumbuh setiap hari)
* Keyboard mengetik Bangla inbuilt.
* Aplikasi gratis 100%.
* Secara otomatis memperbarui SMS / gambar baru setiap hari
* Tambahkan pesan / gambar ke daftar favorit.
* UI ramah pengguna terbaik
* Klik tunggal Teruskan, Bagikan, Suka, Favorit
* Menu akses cepat SMS / gambar terbaru, Populer dan Favorit
Bengali SMS app is a collection of Bangla sms text messages and GIF Images in Bengali font (22000+). We provide a simple & elegant way to save your favourite text messages/Images and share them with rest of the world through SMS, Email, Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp, Hike and more.
Users can now create your own wishes with your images/our images with downloadable fonts and shades.
It comes with an inbuilt Bangla typing feature so the user can type SMS in Bengali and upload to us under your name.
You can receive new SMS/GIF images automatically on daily basis. No need to update the app.
* 40+ Categories (Good Morning, Good Evening, Good Night, Friendship, Bengali, Philosophy, Love, Poem, Confidence, Sad, Social, Family, Jokes, Common, Birthday Wishes, Diwali Wishes, Religion, Vaidyuj, Christmas, Holi, Raksha Bandhan, New year, Cinema comedy images and more)
* 22000+ messages/ GIF Images (growing up daily)
* Inbuilt Bangla typing keyboard.
* 100% free application.
* Automatically update the new SMS/images daily
* Add messages/images to favourites list.
* Best user friendly UI
* Single click Forward, Share, Like, Favorite
* Latest, Popular and Favorite SMS/images quick access menus